Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Albino Ancistrus - Bristle Nose Spawning

I raised a lot bristle nose Albino Ancistrus but this is the first time I ever saw any of the spawning behavior. This young male has spawned at least 2 times before this video was made. I know some of them have survived but how many I have no idea. I see little ones but with all the plants in this tank it's impossible to tell until they start coming out at feeding time. In some of my other aquariums I see the fry a lot. I got three of them out of a filter I was cleaning. Until the get to big to fit through the holes they will go inside the filter cage and eat stuff of the filter material. Adult ancistrus and fry to I suspect eat my sponge filters too. This thank is a mess right now because I had to move a bunch of plants and fish into this one when a 40 breeder sprang a leak.
