Sunday, November 4, 2018

Aquarium - Fishless Cycling Using Ammonia

Fishless cycling is my preferred method cycling an aquarium. It takes a while, but it doesn't kill any fish. Once an aquarium cycles, I add extra foam filters.  When I start a new aquarium, I just put the additional sponge filter in the new tank and add fish. All of my aquariums have multiple sponge filters.

10 Gallon Aquarium Fishless Cycle
10 Gallon Aquarium Fishless Cycle

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Anacharis Flower

In my 110-gallon outdoor stock tank, the plants bloom every spring. It survives the winter just fine. Two weeks temperatures in the low twenties every night didn't bother it. When the ice melted it was fine.

Anacharis Flower
Anacharis Flower