Wednesday, June 2, 2021

110 Gallon Stock Tank Showing Lots of Huge Amazon Forg Bit

20130913 154052 Aquarium110 Gallon Tuff Stuff Stock Tank Red Gold Guppies
20130913 154052 Aquarium110 Gallon Tuff Stuff Stock Tank Red Gold Guppies


For several years I had this 110-gallon stock tank set up in the corner of my garden, where I raised Red Gold Guppies and Sunset Platties. The plant went crazy in this tank, especially the Amazon Frog Bit I purchased from someone on AquaBid.

I took this photo was taken September 9, 2013. In May 2021, I moved it after the anacharis began to die off for no apparent reason, and I needed to shade it after some tree removal.