Monday, December 30, 2019

How I got Rid of Duckweed

Duckweed In A Ten Gallon Aquarium
Duckweed In A Ten Gallon Aquarium
Goldfish. I bought some feeder goldfish. I quarantined the fish for a month; then, I moved the fish to a tank that had duckweed. When goldfish ate all of the duckweed, I moved the fish to another aquarium — repeating as necessary until the duckweed is gone. Once the indoor duckweed was gone, I moved then outdoors to my 100-gallon stock tank, the source of the infection. The 100-gallon stock tank produced so much duckweed that in the summer, the duckweed would be an inch thick if I didn't scoop it out regularly. It took nearly a year to polish off the duckweed, but they eventually got it.

Feeder Goldfish
Feeder Gold Fish

It would help if you fed lightly, or the goldfish may not eat the duckweed as fast as it grows. I now have three sizeable fat goldfish in my stock tank and zero duckweed.

Duckweed Growing  In 110 Gallon Stock Tank With Dwarf Sagittarius
Duckweed Growing  In 110 Gallon Stock Tank With Dwarf Sagittarius
When you buy the feeder goldfish get more than you think you will need. I have used the two times for cleaning up duckweed, and I will lose 2/3 of the fish in quarantine.

Where I live in Tallahassee, FL, feeder fish cost sixteen cents.

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