Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Removing Amazon Frog Bit From My 300 Gallon Stock Tank


Three Gallon Bucket Packed Full Of Amazon Frog Bit
Three Gallon Bucket Packed Full Of Amazon Frog Bit

I have had Amazon frogbit in my stock tanks before. That variety was great. The frogbit grew like crazy and lived through the Florida Panhandle winters. Then one day, a local insect (moth) decided that they were good to eat and started laying eggs on the plants. Every day I had a new batch of caterpillars. My fish loved them but could not get at the worms unless they fell or got knocked into the water. Eventually, the caterpillars won. No more frogbit.

This year I tried again. I bought some plants and put a few in every aquarium and stock tank I have. It died in most locations or was very sickly looking. Then one day, the frogbit started to grow and spread in my 300-gallon stock tank. The plants got larger and grew faster until they covered most of the tank. The plants looked terrible, with dead leaves everywhere and roots that went to the bottom of the tank, causing problems for the fish. Finally, it got so bad that I could not see the fish and was interfering with the feeding. It was time to thin the plants.

The bucket pictured is 3-gallons and is packed tight with Amazon frogbit. I cleared less than 1/4 of the surface. A week later, it was closing in again. I'm going to pull it all out.

#aquarium #tubbing #stocktanks #rubbermaid #fish #aquaticplants #amazonfrogbit #floridapanhandle

Monday, August 9, 2021

Albino Corydoras Spawning


Albino Corydoras Spawning Hundreds of Eggs

Lots and lots of eggs. There were probably 200 eggs in the aquarium when I took the picture, and the spawning was ongoing. On top of the powerhead, eggs are piled three to four deep.  There are eggs scattered around other locations in the aquarium as well.

There was heavy rain the day before. They seem to like to spawn after heavy rain. The only thing I have to do to get them to spawn is feeding them as much food as they can eat. Fish foods High in fat and protein will produce large spawns like this one. I am currently feeding them exclusively on Pruina AquaMax. Freeze-dried tubifex worms work as well, but I have not found an easy way to feed them.

#aquarium #corydoras #albino #spawn #eggs #fishfood #tubifex #AquaMax

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Hawks Will Eat Your Fish In Out Door Pond Or Tubs

A Red Shoulderd Hawk Sitting The Fence Over Looking  My Fish Tanks

A couple of years ago, a red-shouldered hawk cleaned out all of my red gold guppy breeders and a few hundred golden mystery snails before I figured out what was happening.

A Red Shoulderd Hawk Sitting The Fence Over Looking  My Fish Tanks


Just by happenstance, I met a falconer who was also an aquarist and told him about the guppies and mystery snails disappearing, and he told me I had a red-shouldered hawk eating my fish and snails. We started watching for them, and sure enough, my wife saw the hawk two days later.

A Red Shoulderd Hawk Sitting The Fence Over Looking  My Fish Tanks


Now I like having the hawks here. I have a vegetable garden and have lots of varmint issues. The hawks eat rabbits and squirrels. If it were not for the hawks, the tree rats would destroy everything. I just wish the hawks didn't eat my fish.


A Red Shoulderd Hawk Sitting The Fence Over Looking  My Fish Tanks

A Red Shoulderd Hawk Sitting The Fence Over Looking  My Fish Tanks

A Red Shoulderd Hawk Sitting The Fence Over Looking  My Fish Tanks

A Red Shoulderd Hawk Sitting The Fence Over Looking  My Fish Tanks

A Red Shoulderd Hawk Sitting The Fence Over Looking  My Fish Tanks

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Hunting For Frogs In the Hornwort


Aquarium Hunting For Frogs In the Hornwort
Note the frog in the net.

A bunch of bullfrogs got into my outdoor 50-gallon stock tank and devastated my mollies. They ate all but three of the mollies. I removed the plats (hornwort) and drained the tank, and caught four of them. I refilled the stock tank, added a few fry were added, and the plants were replaced. The very next day, I spotted a frog I had not caught.

Since I was convinced that the frog had been in the plants I had removed the previous day, I carefully laid out the hornwort and searched for frogs.

I did not find any frogs in the plants, but I did find two more in the tank for a total of six.

#aquarium #pond #stocktank #summertubbing #mollies #fish #frogs

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Frogs Will Eat You Fish


One of Six Frogs I Caught In My Outdoor 50 Gallon Stock Tank
One of Six Frogs I Caught In My Outdoor 50 Gallon Stock Tank


Six of these got into my molly tank somehow and ate almost all of my mollies. This is the smallest one. Since there is no water within a mile of here and the tanks are covered with wire screens, I think they came in on some plants. To catch them I pulled out all the plants and drain the tank. The tank was refilled and the plants (hornwort) returned. The next day there were two more frogs in the tank. MY guess is that they were hiding in the plats I pulled out.

They had a party eating more than 200 mollies. Lots of fry and all the adults. Only three were left. 

Densely Planted 50 Gallon Stock Tank With Hundreds Of Molly Fry And A Few Adults
Densely Planted 50 Gallon Stock Tank With Hundreds Of Molly Fry And A Few Adults


Wednesday, June 2, 2021

110 Gallon Stock Tank Showing Lots of Huge Amazon Forg Bit

20130913 154052 Aquarium110 Gallon Tuff Stuff Stock Tank Red Gold Guppies
20130913 154052 Aquarium110 Gallon Tuff Stuff Stock Tank Red Gold Guppies


For several years I had this 110-gallon stock tank set up in the corner of my garden, where I raised Red Gold Guppies and Sunset Platties. The plant went crazy in this tank, especially the Amazon Frog Bit I purchased from someone on AquaBid.

I took this photo was taken September 9, 2013. In May 2021, I moved it after the anacharis began to die off for no apparent reason, and I needed to shade it after some tree removal.